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5 Strategies for Healing from Intergenerational Trauma: Recommended by Clinical Psychologists

Explore the concept of intergenerational trauma, its impacts, and the paths to healing. Understand the deep-seated influences of ancestral experiences on our lives and discover strategies for acknowledging, embracing, and overcoming these historical burdens.
Written by
Vanessa Chin
Published on
May 3, 2024
In a world where the past continues to influence the present, intergenerational trauma remains a profound force in many lives, subtly shaping our views, behaviors, and emotional health. This comprehensive guide delves into the nature of intergenerational trauma, explores its pervasive effects, and outlines effective strategies for healing and transformation.

What is Intergenerational Trauma?

Intergenerational trauma occurs when the traumatic experiences of one generation affect the psychological and emotional wellbeing of subsequent generations. This can result from major traumatic events like wars, genocides, or slavery, as well as personal familial traumas such as domestic violence or severe neglect (Yehuda et al., 2015). Understanding this type of trauma is the first step toward healing and breaking its cycle.

Acknowledging the Past: The First Step Towards Healing

Recognizing the Influence

The journey to healing begins with acknowledging that our personal and familial histories may impact our current experiences. Recognizing these influences can help us understand behaviors and emotional responses that may otherwise seem inexplicable.

Understanding Our History

Delving into family history and understanding the context of our ancestors' experiences can shed light on persistent emotional patterns and offer insights into our own lives.

5 Strategies for Healing from Intergenerational Trauma

1. Embracing Our Stories

  • Recognize and honor the resilience of those who came before us.
  • Use historical understanding as a source of strength and empowerment.

2. Seeking Professional Help

  • Engage with therapists or counsellors who specialize in trauma.
  • Consider therapies that focus specifically on trauma recovery, such as EMDR or family systems therapy.
Source: Shvets Production/Pexels

3. Fostering Connections

  • Build supportive relationships that provide empathy and understanding.
  • Participate in community groups or activities that connect you with others who share similar backgrounds.

4. Practicing Self-Compassion

  • Allow yourself space to experience and express emotions without judgment.
  • Incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques to manage stress and emotional overload.
Source: Furkanfdemir/Pexels

5. Creating New Family Patterns

  • Use your awareness to change unhealthy family dynamics.
  • Educate future generations about their history in a way that is informative yet healing.

The Power of Healing

Healing from intergenerational trauma not only improves individual wellbeing but also transforms family dynamics, promoting healthier relationships and emotional patterns for future generations. It is a profound and challenging journey that requires courage, understanding, and support.

Conclusion: Moving Forward with Hope

While the shadows of the past can be long, the potential for healing and renewal exists. By confronting intergenerational trauma head-on, individuals and families can forge paths toward a healthier, more aware existence. This healing journey not only reshapes personal narratives but also offers hope and direction for future generations seeking to break the cycles of trauma.

Take the First Step Today

Start your healing journey today by recognizing the past's impact on your life and taking proactive steps towards recovery and renewal. Embrace the strategies outlined here and remember, while the path may be challenging, you are not walking it alone. Support, understanding, and transformation await.

FAQs for Healing from Intergenerational Trauma

Q: What is intergenerational trauma?
A: Intergenerational trauma refers to the transmission of emotional and psychological effects from one generation to another, often stemming from major traumatic events or persistent issues within a family, like abuse, war, genocide, or displacement.

Q: How does intergenerational trauma affect individuals today?
A: This form of trauma can manifest in various ways including anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, and difficulties in forming healthy relationships. It often influences an individual's beliefs, behaviors, and how they interact with the world without them being fully aware of its origins.

Q: What are the first steps in healing from intergenerational trauma?
A: Healing begins with acknowledgment—recognizing and accepting that your current experiences and issues may be linked to past family traumas. Understanding these connections is crucial for addressing the root causes of emotional pain.

Q: How can embracing our stories help in dealing with intergenerational trauma?
A: By acknowledging and honoring the resilience and struggles of our ancestors, we can draw strength and inspiration. This helps to transform our perspective on our own challenges, seeing them as part of a larger narrative of survival and resilience.

Q: What types of support are effective in healing from intergenerational trauma?
A: Professional therapy, particularly from practitioners experienced in dealing with trauma, can be invaluable. Support groups, community activism, and family therapy are also beneficial, providing a network of understanding and shared experiences that can facilitate personal and collective healing.

Q: Is it necessary to seek professional help for intergenerational trauma?
A: While some individuals may find strength and strategies within their communities or through personal efforts, professional help is often crucial in navigating the complex layers of intergenerational trauma. Therapists can provide tailored approaches and safe spaces to explore and heal these deep-seated wounds.

Q: Can healing from intergenerational trauma impact future generations?
A: Yes, effectively addressing and healing these traumas can not only improve the individual's quality of life but also alter the familial patterns that might otherwise be passed down. This proactive healing can pave the way for healthier future generations, breaking cycles of pain and fostering new legacies of emotional well-being.


1. Yehuda, R., Daskalakis, N. P., Bierer, L. M., Bader, H. N., Klengel, T., Holsboer, F., & Binder, E. B. (2015). Holocaust exposure induced intergenerational effects on FKBP5 methylation. Biological Psychiatry, 80(5), 372-380.

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Reviewed by
Bao Ying
Mental Health Program Coordinator
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